Admob Configuration

Configure google admob

AdMob offers the possibility of monetizing mobile apps. It is a Google service for integrating Google ads into mobile applications. The AdMob program allows mobile application developers to incorporate ads.

Appstelling is ready for activating AdMob ads by default, and it allows you to monetize using banners and interstitial ads.

AdMob Banner Unit ID-Android

This field is for showing AdMob banner ads on your app. If you don't want to show google AdMob just keep it blank.

AdMob Interstitial Unit ID-Android

This field is for showing AdMob interstitial ads on your app. If you don't want to show google AdMob just keep it blank.

AdMob Banner Unit ID-iOS

This field is for showing AdMob banner ads on your app. If you don't want to show AdMob just keep it blank.

AdMob Interstitial Unit ID-iOS

This field is for showing AdMob interstitial ads on your app. If you don't want to show AdMob just keep it blank.

Last updated